Business Solutions
COMPANY REGISTRATION private and non-profit company registration | DIRECTOR AMENDMENTS amend company directors | ANNUAL RETURNS file company and close corporation annual returns |
NAME RESERVATIONS reserve a name for company registration | MEMBER AMENDMENTS amend close corporation members | AUDITOR CHANGES appoint / resign auditors |
NAME CHANGES change company name | FINANCIAL YEAR END CHANGES change financial year for for companies and close corporations | ADDRESS CHANGES change company and close corporation addresses |
NAME SEARCH search registered and reserved names | ENTERPRISE ENQUIRY enterprise details | NAME EXTENSION extend reserved name expiry date |
TRANSACTION STATUS track transaction status | BALANCE ENQUIRY customer code statement | NAME TRANSFER transfer reserved name to another customer code |
CERTIFICATES – disclosures – B-BBEE certificates – MOI (incorporation) documents – approved names | DOMAIN REGISTRATION register a domain name for your company | UPDATE CONTACT DETAILS update director or member contact details for companies and close corporations |